To decipher some of that, I highly recommend checking out Infil’s fantastic explainer on fighting game netcode, which does a great job of breaking down complex netcode concepts with easy to understand examples and animated diagrams. This fix ensures your 'clock' never gets more than half of your packet round trip time ahead of your opponent's so that you never experience more rollback than them.” If one player lags, the other player will receive inputs from farther 'in the past' (up to 15 frames!) than they should, causing unnecessarily big rollbacks and artificial lag, while the player that's behind may even be receiving inputs that appear to be 'in the future' to their game and never experience rollbacks at all. a 4 frame packet round trip time between them, each player should be 2 frames ahead of the time of the last received input from their opponent, and experience 2 frame rollbacks. When the players' 'clocks' are synced, if there is e.g. This can cause artificial lag and a one-sided rollback for the other player. “SFV has a bug where one player's game can lag behind the other's online.